Monday, August 2, 2010

The Malaysian fruit stall

fruit stall
I have mentioned before that our local fruits are much more interesting than the imported fruits from the temperate countries. Plums, apricots, apples, cherries, grapes, pears and other fruits have almost the same textures and taste.
However, our local fruits come in all kind of shapes, colours, textures and tastes.
Pomelo is like the mother of all oranges, tangerines, grapefruits and whatever citrus fruits.
Ciku has a strong smell and equally strong flavour. It is like a caramelised pear?
jambu air
The jambu air may not tastes as good as blood red cherries but it is still as pretty.
nona or annona cherimola
The nona and the durian belanda have ugly looking skin but the whitest flesh with black seeds. Taste wise, I have forgotten how nona or durian belanda (soursop) tastes like because I am one of those guilty of buying more imported fruits than eating local.
Bananas come in all shapes and sizes. Though they look almost the same, they taste different.
I asked my little boy to pose next to the two jackfruits to give those who have never seen jackfruits an idea how large they are. In the basket are pomelos.
fresh nutmeg fruit
Nutmeg makes a very refreshing drink. Yesterday, I had a tall glass of pineapple and fresh nutmeg juice, minus sugar. It was lovely.
Are you eating enough local fruits?

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